Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New post...? Really...?? Awesome!

Okay, i still need to get this posting on two different blogs thing in my head. I need to post on them every day! if i can remember.....ug. Well, i'm working on my Fullmetal Alchemist video. It's actually Edward Elric. the song is Bring Me To Life. I love that song and i love that anime so, i decided i would made a video for it! ^_^ I shall post it for you to see when it's done.

*25 minutes later*
Okay!! It's done and posted on youtube! ^_^

This is the Fullmetal Alchemist ~ Bring me to life video i have created.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Okay. I am finally posting!

I finally got the wig i need. yet, i have absolutely no cosplay pix. I will get those sooner or later. (not to mention i want to kill my keyboard right now. It isn't working the best.) Okay, so this blog is kindof new....well, not really. My first post was about a month ago. So no. Right now i am listening to Your Love - Ke$ha. Its somehow one of my favorite songs at the time.
Okay, so i am writing a new anime based story. Once i have it typed out i shall post it on here. I hope you guys know what Fullmetal Alchemist is. (if not then look it up!) That is what anime the story is based on.

I will give you a bit of a spoiler. Okay so, it's about a girl named Annabel. She lives with her sister Kylanna. Their parents are fighting in the Ishballan war. (btw they are state alchemists as well. oh, so is Annabel.) The sisters have to live on there own while the parents are away at war.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Okay, this is my first blog on this site. As you know, it is about music and anime! (and other stuff)
I have been writing my stories which i will hopefully be posting on here soon. I am also soon to order my Winry cosplay wig. So once i have that i will have some pics on here. I can't wait! My birthday party is coming up soon and it is a cosplay party! My best friend is going to be Amu from Shugo Chara. And like I said I am going to be Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist! I wanted to be Ed but I couldn't afford the outfit...-_-*
Well, Bye!!